All is Calm and Bright in 2020 and Beyond!

John Ross Crooks • December 29, 2020

Taking the "Calm and Bright" Message to Coaches and Athletes in the Darkness of 2020 and Whatever 2021 Looks Like!

JR here. I've got a thank you and a personal update ...

We never could have predicted 2020.


Yeah — no kidding.


One day, things are normal. The next is quarantine. One day, we have a job. The next we’re hustling for a way to pay the bills. One day, we’re sitting next to a loved one on the couch. The next, we’re sitting next to a loved one on their hospital bed.


2020 is a stark reminder that we never know exactly what’s ahead.

Some of us, however, do know what’s in store. We know who we believe and where we’re headed.


We have hope in the life to come. And we know God is at work in this life even when we don’t see it.


I’d never wish 2020’s trials and pain on anyone. And I mourn with those who’ve experienced significant loss of one kind or another. At the same time, I rejoice in the blessings of 2020.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.


Romans 12:15


We Rejoice


My family and I look back with wonder at how our year unfolded.


It changed in a big way, and we’re grateful to God and our supporters.


Lockdown in March forced us to step back from normal busyness and reconnect as a family. It was a spiritual reset for me too.


It wasn't all rainbows and unicorns, but it deepened the roots of our peace in Christ.


I camped out in Colossians 2:6-7 for several weeks: Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.


These verses put Christian living in perspective: Keep moving ahead, stand fast in the Lord, and glorify him even when the storms are pressing in on us.


For me, that puts Covid-19 fear in its proper place.


And it underpins a major transition for me and my family into full-time vocational ministry.


I am now a missionary with Fellowship of Christian Athletes.


In June, God called me — and threw me! — into Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), a sports ministry that aims to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church.


He made this happen through his gifts to you and your giving back to him. He’s blessed me, my family, and so many others who, though the prayer and financial gifts of our generous support team, produce much thanksgivings to God.


So, praise God. And, if you're one of our supporters, thank you!


On August 1, I stepped away from a 15-year career in financial publishing. Since then, most of my time has been devoted to building a team of supporters who are excited to walk with me and my family in ministry.


I've been on the phone and on the road sharing my journey and vision with supporters. All the while, I've been on my knees asking God to bring an army of supporters around this ministry to make it fruitful.


In short, wow! The team of soldiers is forming in a mighty way. But there is still foundation work to be done.


And, already, God opened the door for me to start three FCA “huddles.”


First came a campus huddle at Sebastian Charter Junior High. For an hour each week, middle-school students grew together in relationship with Jesus and with one another. It is a huge encouragement to watch them pray and play together.


Then, I was privileged to gather with a few Sebastian River High School students for a prayer huddle before school on Mondays. Our discussion and prayer time is paving the way for these students to step into leadership roles on their campus, teams, and church ministries.


Finally, our first sport-specific huddle launched with the Master’s Academy Varsity girls basketball team. This is a solid group of girls growing in their faith and seeking God’s will for them as disciples of Jesus Christ.


Much, much more is in store. I hope you're as excited and encouraged as I am.


As I settle in for Christmas and the New Year, I am humbled by what God has done. And I marvel at the big things he has in store for me, my family, you, and FCA in Indian River county.


All is calm, all is bright.


No, seriously.


The year may go down as tumultuous and dark. And the view into next year is as dim as ever.


But should we expect different from the world?


In Christ, no matter the year, we have eyes to see! All is calm and bright because we have the peace and light of Christ in us.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.


Colossians 1:15-20

I hope you can celebrate this with us. And consider joining this ministry as a financial supporter and prayer partner.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Now we live,



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FCA's Burger Bash 2021!
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CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM Our first-ever glow-in-the-dark dodgeball tournament will be Saturday, March 13 from 6 to 9 pm. All Indian River county youth age 12-18 are invited to participate in the tournament. The block party event will be at Leisure Square in Vero Beach. The tournament will take place between 7 and 8 pm, featuring glow-in-the-dark dodgeballs and black lights. Come dressed in your best glow-in-the-dark gear, glowsticks, and glow paints. Some glow will be provided. Before, after, and during the tournament students will have the opportunity to enjoy live worship and praise music from Master's Academy's Praise team. The SALT Team, FCA, and volunteers will be on site to assist with check-in, host games and challenges, and more. Food will be available for purchase. Email JR Crooks with questions about the dodgeball tournament.
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The man had a grin come across his face before our turkey-filled Chevy Suburban even came to a stop. "Would you like a turkey for Thanksgiving?" Joe yelled out the car window. The man's smile said it all, and he yelled back something like, "You bet I would!" We hadn't even handed him the turkey before he was praising God. "God is good! Ohhh, God is good!" Joe Moore and I handed out 16 turkeys in South Vero, Gifford, and Vero Lake Estates yesterday. We purchased the turkeys from Publix with some of your generous contributions to FCA. The price of these turkeys, unfortunately, was more than double what it was last year due to the impact of Covid-19. The turkeys went fast. But it was a blessing for us to be able to make a small difference for some families this Thanksgiving. He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. -2 Corinthians 9:10-11 Next year, we hope and pray Indian River FCA will be able to put together a few teams of adults and teens to give away 60 (or more!) turkeys along with baskets of canned goods to families across the county in the name of Jesus Christ. So, to you we say THANK YOU! Your generosity is producing thanksgivings to God! May his blessings pour out on you and your family. This is just one of so many ways your monetary and prayer support is impacting our area for the Kingdom, bringing awareness to FCA and helping us in our mission to bring every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church. Happy Thanksgiving! Love ya, JR Now we live. 1 Thessalonians 3:8
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